Creating a Windows 11 Image • Post-Capture


Perform these items after capturing the image but before creating an .ISO

  • Create the folder to contain the answer file:

    • md c:\mount\windows\Windows\panther
  • Create an image info file to specify when the image was created.

    • echo 6-24-2021 >"C:\mount\windows\Windows\csup.txt"
  • Add the following registry key to define the location for the TaskbarLayoutModification.xml file you created earlier:

    • cmd /c reg add HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\ /v LayoutXMLPath /d C:\Windows\OEM\TaskbarLayoutModification.xml
  • Apply the LayoutModifications.json to the Default User Profile for Start Menu:

  • Copy the layout file to the Default User Profile

xcopy /s LayoutModification.json C:\Mount\Users\Default\Appdata\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Shell
xcopy /s LayoutModification.xml C:\Mount\Users\Default\Appdata\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Shell

Commit Changes: dism /unmount-image /mountdir:C:\mount /commit

By @johngagefaulkner

Last Updated: 6 minutes ago

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